There is a great assault on our young boys & the more we ignore it the worse it gets.

The power of lust, greed, violence is on the rise & we can't keep silence.

You may think that you're not a parent yet & it concerns you less but have you forgotten that the current boys will someday become husbands & you'll birth girls too (connect the dots)!

Our sons should be seeing visions not looking for girls to use for rituals, they should be prophesying not singing songs from hell's pit. Signs & wonders should be following them not cigarette smokes. They should become inventors of good things & peddlers of truth not drugs.

Let's rise up & FIGHT for every young BOY in our spaces. If you see them wayward, pray secretly for them under your breathe. Invoke the compelling power of God on them, minister to them & model for them.

There's a lot of work on our hands to do, don't leave your space unattended to. Let charity begin at home. There's something you can do.

Get up... Let's FIGHT!

- Michael BAMGBOSE
